Police officer and dog pose for a professional photo, but these pictures prove that the dog had other plans

Levi Knach, conservation officer for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, has a very important, very serious job. He and his furry friend, Kenobi, train to search for missing persons, look for evidence and find wildlife that was taken illegally. Very important, vital work for Indiana.

Officer Knach was clearly wanting to take very important, very serious professional photos with his partner and best furry pal Kenobi.

Kenobi, however, had other plans.

You can see here that Kenobi just wants to give a little love nudge to his friend, but you'll soon see that one nudge was not enough.

Officer Knach is clearly failing to keep his cool here, but we don't mind! Kenobi just wants to show him he loves him.

Even after adjusting his hat and attempting to regain control, Kenobi has not had enough of giving his best friend kisses.

They finally managed to take this amazing picture, showing that Kenobi does playful and handsome in equal measures.

In case you were wondering, this is not unusual for Kenobi. He's a loving, affectionate dog who is great at his job and also loves his partner very much.

He also seems to think he's a lap dog. Just look at this pair!

This officer has his hands full, but we're sure he doesn't mind.