Mom and dog are enjoying a ride. When the music starts, neither can hold back

How often do you get in the car, turn on your favorite radio station and sing along with the music? I know I like to do it, and I bet if you don’t, then you know someone who does.

Annie loves to sing aloud to the lyrics of her best-loved songs, too, and she has a partner who relishes joining her in an impromptu duet from the back seat.

In this humorous video, Lola, a Shiloh Shepherd, is lying on the back seat of Annie’s car asleep as her owner reaches out and turns on the radio.

Music from the Queens’ “We Are the Champions” starts playing, and at first Lola is oblivious.

Annie starts singing along, and soon Lola awakens and adds her voice to the performance.

With her head back and her muzzle pointed to the sky, Lola lets loose with a resounding “Arroooo!” Canine behavior experts say that a dog howls to music under the mistaken impression that another dog is calling to her.

Watch the video below. Why do you think Lola is singing along with Annie?

Some say that dogs react to the higher pitches and to wind instruments, neither of which are present in “We Are the Champions.” Another theory holds that wolves howl to celebrate the oneness of their pack, so maybe dogs do, too.

But the theory that seems to hold the most water, in this case, is that Lola has learned that Annie likes it when they sing together, so she keeps on doing it.

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