Great Dane puppy doesn't want to get up and hilariously tells you why

Thor is a Great Dane puppy owned by Ray Prevo, who also owns The Bagel Factory in Birmingham, Mich. When Ray starts his day at 3:30 in the morning, you can be sure it’s not the best time of day to be climbing out of bed. Ray does it to get to work early enough to bake fresh bagels for his customers, so he’s used to it. Thor, though? Not so much!

Alarms the dog can sleep through. Not even a pesky rooster would convince him that 3:30 actually does come twice a day. So Ray has his work cut out for him to persuade Thor that he really has to get up.

At first, it looks like the pup is going to comply, but in short order he collapses back onto the bed with a groan. “Too early!” he seems to complain.

Ray seems to think that talking to Thor will accomplish his purpose, so he keeps a running commentary going while he attempts to rouse the reluctant pup.

No matter how he cajoles and wheedles, Thor simply changes his position and refuses to get up.

The truly hysterical part is how Thor argues with his human, obviously wanting to hit the snooze button (if only he could find it).

When you get to 1:59 in the video, pay close attention. Thor grouses “Nooooooo!” as clear as a bell!

Watch the video and you’ll be laughing well into your day. Show your friends on Facebook and they’ll be guffawing right along with you. What an hysterical dog Thor is! I think if someone says 3:30 was time to get up, most people would have to agree with him.