Foster Cat Always Looks Like She Just Woke Up From A 10-Year Nap

“A lot of people thought she just needed a bath to look normal — NOPE, she’s just special!”

Toast was rescued along with 15 other kittens in Memphis, Tennessee, and when she first arrived in her foster home through Angels Among Us Animal Rescue, she was in rough shape.

“Her eyes were almost completely crusted over, and she was the smallest out of all of them, about half the size,” Hannah Taff, Toast’s foster mom, told The Dodo. “She could barely walk around.”


As the weeks went on, Toast began to heal in leaps and bounds, but something strange began happening, too. The more she healed, the weirder she looked. All the rest of the kittens she’d been rescued with looked like normal kittens, and Toast had too, at first. Then, out of nowhere, her fur got absolutely wild.


For some reason, Toast constantly looks like she just woke up from the longest nap ever. No matter how often she’s groomed, she always looks disheveled, and this realization has been baffling for everyone who knows her.

“She does get bathed and brushed daily,” Taff said. “A lot of people thought she just needed a bath to look normal — NOPE she’s just special!”


Of course, Toast hasn’t seemed to notice that she’s a little different from her peers. Her personality is larger than life, and even if people are thrown off by her appearance at first, she wins them over in no time at all.


“They almost always say, ‘She’s so ugly she’s cute,’ which is true,” Taff said. “But they all fall in love with her because of her amazing personality.”


Toast does have some eye problems that her foster mom is staying on top of and working to figure out. Otherwise, Toast is a pretty carefree kitten. She yells a lot, hasn’t yet mastered how to go to the bathroom without getting messy, is a big fan of parkour and couldn’t care less what she looks like. She may look sleepy, but in reality, she’s a ball of fun.