Cops See A Puppy Being Kicked By Owner And Come To The Rescue In More Ways Than One

I can’t believe someone could be so cruel to a puppy, but luckily police saved the day. Little Seven was only three months old when some Virginia police officers out on bike patrol spotted her being kicked by her owner. The police intervened and took away the puppy and charged the owner with animal cruelty.

Seven at the Prince William County Police Department. Photo credit: Facebook

After the puppy’s owner was arrested, Little Seven was put up for adoption.

But Little Seven didn’t stray too far from his rescuers in Manassas, VA. Police Officer Katie Zaimis and her squad in the eastern district fell in love with the Beagle Pit Bull mix and shortly after Katie adopted the puppy and brought her home.

Little Seven is named after a Star Trek character Seven of Nine.

She now gets plenty of toys to play with and is “doing great”!

Thank you Officer Zaimis and to all that helped get Little Seven to safety!

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